Estou ainda a experimentar, mas gostava de dar a dica a quem for passar uns dias a Londres e for o feliz proprietário de um Ipod Touch ou de um Iphone: Love Art é uma app desenvolvida pela National Gallery que permite ter ao alcance dos dedos uma visita guiada pelas mais importantes peças da colecção deste prestigiado museu.
Apresentada da seguinte forma no site da National Gallery:
The National Gallery is offering art lovers the opportunity to put works by Leonardo and Van Gogh in their pocket. A new application, called Love Art, allows iPhone and iTouch users to explore 250 of the Gallery’s best-loved paintings in the palm of their hand.
Take an unforgettable journey around the National Gallery. Zoom in to explore fine details and enjoy over three hours of video and audio content.
You can listen to the stories behind the masterpieces in insightful interviews with artists, writers and experts including:
- National Gallery Director Nicholas Penny
- Dramatist Robin Brooks
- Artist Maggie Hambling
- Author Tracy Chevalier
The National Gallery is the first major art gallery in the world to offer a mini-tour using an iPhone application.
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