Podem não ter reparado na petição da Europeana (aqui ao lado dos textos do blog ou na página de início em baixo) e por isso escrevo este post para vos alertar para o risco (real) da não continuidade do investimento europeu num projecto que me parece muito relevante para os museus, arquivos e bibliotecas no sentido da promoção das suas importantes colecções e da Cultura e Valores que representam. Aqui fica o texto da petição:
To the Members of the European Council, Commission and Parliament.
We ask for your support in the budget discussions about Europe’s digital infrastructure.Europeana, an EU flagship and global leader in its field, must be funded through the Telecom Guidelines of the Connecting Europe Facility, the proposed funding mechanism.Europeana works with galleries, libraries, archives and museums in every European country to make knowledge and culture available online. We connect everyone in Europe with their shared history and heritage – 27 million books, pictures, films and recordings so far. Together, we’re pioneering new ways to engage people in culture through websites, apps, software and social media, through sharing our expertise, business models and code, and through services for education and tourism. Europe needs our innovation – there’s faster progress in the digital sector than most other areas of the economy.Supporting Europeana is supporting Europe. Europe can’t afford to lose a service that is both good for people and good for the economy. See our blog for more reasons to protect Europeana’s funding.
Se concordarem, assinem. São só dois minutos e é um projecto que julgo ser nossa responsabilidade defender. O link para a petição é http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/keep-europes-culture-open-to-everyone-online/. Divulguem!